This Strength, Is Attractive 💫

Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot readings. Did the messages of this reading resonate with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at

Hello Butterflies! Hello, hello.

As you get into this week’s full reading, you will notice a theme of ‘shedding the old, and welcoming the new, with strength’. This week the spiritual guides provide a mortal ability boost for many, as the collective works to balance the shedding of old and entry into new skin— embracing the changes that come this week with greater confidence.

The ‘Sun card’ within your ‘Elevation of Spirit’ realm further displays that the spiritual guides will be supporting many in their ability to exercise greater independence.

This week’s Butterfly affirmation reads:

“Every day I am stronger, braver, and wiser. I live and grow in harmony with the universe.”

Butterflies, the spiritual guides show over the past few months, many have developed resilient spiritual abilities: transforming your inner strength into actionable wisdom.

This strength is reflected in your ‘Elevation of Spirit’ realm, with the appearance of ‘The Sun’ card energy — birthing great Leo strength and allowing many to reflect and take action on the much needed changes ahead.

The appearance of ‘The Tower’ card energy within the ‘Elevation of Spirit’ realm, shows this week there will be endings in your highest benefit.

To truly embrace these endings, there’s a call from the spiritual guides to fully acknowledge your part in past communication conflicts. For some, this week an opportunity will present itself for you to demonstrate your learnings to another soul with a new, non-judgmental approach.

The spiritual guides will provide a boost in the mortal abilities of many, as the collective balances both shedding and stepping into new skin, and — embracing the changes that come with greater confidence.

There’s an opportunity this week for great celebration within your ‘Work and Business’ endeavors realm.

Owl wisdom will need to be used, as the decisions made financially within your professional life have an especially poignant trickle effect on your personal life finances and mental health this week.

Five of Pentacles’ energy is shown twice within this week’s draw across your ‘Work and Business Endeavors’ and ‘Personal Life’ realms.

This ‘Five of Pentacles’ energy is a much needed observation this week — showing although some of your needs may not be met in this moment, they will be met soon enough.

This is further confirmed by the appearance of ‘Four of Wands’ energy in your ‘Work and Business’ endeavors realm — signifying some will have the ability to enjoy and receive great celebration professionally.

Many will find themselves unifying with community members that can assist you in meeting those professional financial needs you may lack at this time.

The ‘Sun card’ within your ‘Elevation of Spirit’ realm shows the spiritual guides will be supporting many this week in your need to exercise greater independence.

This independent energy is also displayed through the welcomed energy of self abundance with the appearance of ‘Nine of Pentacles’ energy in your ‘Personal Life’ realm.

This week’s Unicorn Oracle reads:

“DANCE: Move your body to music. Dance with the rhythm of life. Manifest your dreams through dance.”

This week, as you move through dance, not only is it good for your body and mental well-being — but dance is a great method to light up and illuminate the upper chakras of your spiritual body.

Butterflies, over these past few months as you have been harboring and developing your inner strength — remember to move, and get out there with community.

Engage in movement activities that loosen and ignite those lower chakras:

  • The Sacral Chakra

  • The Base Root Chakra

This week, as you move through dance, not only is it good for your body and mental well-being — but dance is a great method to light up and illuminate the upper chakras of your spiritual body.

This week’s Starlight Oracle reads:

“SACRED PRAYER: All you must do is ASK. Call upon the Ascended Masters for guidance.”

There’s only so much you can do on your own Butterflies.

The foundation of your ‘Healing’ realm this week is based with ‘The Judgment’ card energy. Visually displayed atop this card is a golden snake, slivering out of its previous skin — which served it well, but is no longer needed as you step into new beautiful Queen of Wands’ energy this week.

Have a communal relationship with your spiritual guides this week.

This transition into higher light will require you call out to your spiritual guides — engaging them in intimate communal relationship this week.

Through the actions of prayer, ceremony and entrusting your spiritual guides with your steps — you will start to see yourself blossom and find solutions as you progress toward the much needed life shifts taking place in your lives this week.

With that Butterflies, I'll see you in the full reading.


Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.

Timeless Earth Signs 🌳 Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 💫


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