Saturn’s Law of Attraction 🪐

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ATTRACTION: Magnetism (37)

Butterflies, what are you working to attract into your life in this moment?

Pictured on this Elemental Oracle, a toddler sitting upon a sturdy bed looking out into the Saturn Galaxy. Saturn as a planet draws forth the energy of responsibility, ambition, law and discipline.

Numerology (37): 37 translates to 10 in numerology, with the 10th house ruling ambitions, motivations, notoriety, career and achievements — all presently heading your way.

Spiritually, grander ambitions and contributions to society will require greater responsibility for you to both balance and maintain.

To magnetize and attain these opportunities, the spiritual guides are calling many to reconnect with your inner child.

Re-connecting with your inner child

  • What ambitions did you have as a child?

  • What were the original intentions?

  • What can you do at this moment to draw in, change course and attain your dreams?

The guides are also bringing an additional call to the collective to support your Root Chakra during this time. The Red Jasper color of the pillow and child shows that many will root and receive downloads from their spiritual guides in moments of rest.

Activate these dreams of ambitions through continuous connection with your guides by day.

I’ve included below a supportive readingI channeled recently titled “Give Thanks, and Prepare for More” — highlighting the power of attraction. Enjoy the magnetic message from the spiritual guides in this reading.

Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.

Complimentary Tarot Readings ✨️ Ep. 15 Q & A Radio Show 🦋


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