Take Back Your Innocence 🌻 📦 ✨️

Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot readings. Did the messages of this reading resonate with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at moniquestarot.com.

How are you Butterflies?!

As you listen to this week’s reading, you’ll notice a resounding message of ‘innocence’ from the spiritual guides — along the lines of ‘taking back your innocence’ and ‘innocence renewal’, for many this week.

For those of you that have been mourning your previously bright-eyed outlook about your future: “you had solid hopes and dreams, and then conflict arose”, the spiritual guides signal brighter days are coming with the presence of cleansing renewal energy, throughout this week’s draw.

As you listen to this week’s reading, you’ll notice a resounding message of ‘innocence’ from the spiritual guides — along the lines of ‘taking back your innocence’ and ‘innocence renewal’ for many this week.

This week’s Butterfly affirmation reads:

“Today, I dare to do something differently.”

There’s a call this week to really step out into the unknown and break away from those old limiting habits. To try something new — pushing yourself beyond limiting mindsets. Challenge yourself to dive deeper into and spend more time with people that make you feel alive, and renew your childlike joy.

This week within the ‘Elevation of Spirit’, the spiritual guides show there’s potential for conflict to arise, but as you’ll see within the full reading, there is a mirror that’s being held up in the center of this conflict.

Not only are you able to hold up this ‘mirror of reflection’ to others, but you’re also able to hold up the mirror to yourself.

There’s a call this week to really step out into the unknown and break away from those old limiting habits. To try something new, pushing yourself beyond limiting mindsets. 

Many this week will have the opportunity to see without judgment:

  • Your contributing part to the conflict

  • A fair examination of how you were reacting

  • A fair examination of how they were reacting

This examination of the internal self and external participation will provide levity and space within your ‘Elevation of Spirit’ realm for more positive influences to enter your life — and relief from any pressure you may have previously had to play into the same games, conflict or tense discussion points.

No. more. drama.

Many will truly begin to step into greater abundance this week. Your Wild Offering Oracle reads:

“MONEY: All my finances are now in divine order. Love Itself knows my needs and is the Source for all. I needn’t cling to gain or fear loss. Every need will be met through offering all to the Divine.”

Through offering all to the Divine” is such a key takeaway from this week’s Wild Offering Oracle. As you let go of the mental clinginess to things — letting go of stagnating mindsets surrounding money or job expectations. When you truly offer all to the Divine, this is where and when faith starts to become a powerful magnifier.

When you truly offer all to the Divine, this is where and when faith starts to become a powerful magnifier.

Now for some this week, within work in your ‘Work and Business Endeavors realm’, there are some professional considerations and illusions you need to watch, listen and pay attension to. It will be important this week not to fight the needed release of some professional habits and people — in order for you to receive your next-level expansion.

This pup has the right idea — balance + chill this week Butterflies.

Prepare for Balance

This week, Butterflies prepare for balance. This balancing energy can be seen throughout all life realms this week, but is most prominent within your ‘Personal life realm’. Along the lines of balance, this is also a good week to think about how you’re speaking and communicating with others — use the ‘ease energy’ that comes through this week to your advantage.

With that Butterflies, I will see you in the full reading!


Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.


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