Simplify Your Life ✨️

Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot readings. Did the messages of this reading resonate with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at

Hello Butterflies! I hope all is well— talk about an emotional energetic ride over the past week am-I-right? (Laughing)

Have you been enjoying the energies of the New Moon in Libra over this past week? If you need an added boost of support, tune into the messages I received last week from the spiritual guides below:

This week Butterflies, ask yourself: “What can I do to simplify my life?”

With that, let’s look into the week ahead Butterflies. The spiritual guides brought encouraging messages to the collective to ‘simplify your life’.

This week’s Wild Offering Oracle reads:

CREATIVE BLOCKS: “If you are an artist of any kind, you can offer all work to the Divine, making it God’s alone. I offer this for the Highest Good to benefit the planet. Release me from any blocks and restrictions. May this serve all who need!”

“If you are an artist of any kind, you can offer all work to the Divine, making it God’s alone. I offer this for the Highest Good to benefit the planet. Release me from any blocks and restrictions. May this serve all who need it!”

Base Realm energies within this week’s draw:

  • Elevation of Spirit: The Lovers card — upright

  • Healing: The Transformation card(aka Tower card) — upright

  • Work & Business Endeavors: The Moon card — upright

  • Personal Life: 7 of Pentacles card — upright

  • Unexpected Surprises: The Emperor — upright

Within the full reading, you’ll receive supporting messages from the spiritual guides to maintain your courage, know you are safe, set strong boundaries — and disregard the illusion of fear that may present itself this week.

With the recent transition of the New Moon in Libra, many have experienced great transformation across friendships and intimate relationships. Although in some cases disruptive, these transitions serve as a kind of spiritual nudge for you to start practicing lessons learned — building greater balance and harmony in your life.

Ask yourself this week:

What can I do to simplify my life?

As you look ahead this week, some may also feel the urge to rearrange or simplify different aspects of your life this week.

Let there be light

With the presence of ‘The Moon’ card in your ‘Work and Business Endeavors’ realm this week — any illuminations surrounding ‘issues’ or ‘truths’ you may have overlooked, take them as they arise, and remember to move forward.

Within your ‘Personal Life’ realm, you’ll notice the appearance of ‘7 of Pentacles’ energy. Continue to plant seeds within your personal life for the future you seek to experience — stay positive, the worst is behind you.

As you look ahead this week, some may also feel the urge to rearrange or simplify different aspects of your life this week.

This energy may feel slightly scattered, and a bit heavy at moments — but it intends to bring you back to point zero. That original point of spiritual intention, which brought you to this world.

Your Butterfly affirmation this week reads:

“Today I dare to do something differently.”

Butterflies, stay with the process this week, no matter how trying it may appear — stay with the process.

The yellow and amber colors upon the wings of the Butterfly affirmation align with the Solar Plexus. Let these colors be a reminder to strengthen your courage and inner-will this week, upon sight.

With that Butterflies, have a beautiful week + enjoy the full reading!


Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.

“Pop-up Guests”🌳 Ep. 13 Q & A Radio Show


New Moon in Libra ♎️ ✨️ Things to Know