The Season of Rebirth! Reinvent Yourself 🌟 🌷

Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot readings. Did the messages of this reading resonate with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at

Hello Butterflies! I hope you all are doing well.

Within this week’s full reading, there is a call to the collective for confidence and self-recognition of the light that you bring to each and every room you enter.

Your Butterfly affirmation this week reads:

“I make a positive difference in the world, even with my smile and words.”

For many of you, just your presence alone is something people in your community love and appreciate about you.

“For many of you, just your presence alone is something people in your community love and appreciate about you.”

Any doubt, self-concern, over self-awareness or over-analysis that you’ve experienced recently about:

  • Who you are…

  • How you come across to others…

  • Or how others perceive you…

…The spiritual guides are asking you to let go of these mental limitations as many prepare to step into a well-deserved ‘6 of Pentacles’ position in life, not only to receive from others — but the ability to lucratively give.

This energy will bring in new levels of abundance for many and bring about renewed thoughts of organizing and planning for the long-term — with your finances, borrowing wisely, and making headway in paying off debts.

This week also brings in jubilant ‘Four of Wands’ energy of which some can expect the possibility of a love proposal or the uprising of celebrations from community around your spirit, honoring the contributions you bring to your community.

This external-validating-jubilant energy is not by chance. In the coming days, you may find yourself in new rooms with leaders from the community seeking your unique perspective. There’s a new, rebirthed light that has come to your eyes in recent weeks, and others are noticing how you’ve been taking care of yourself — magnifying the inner beauty and attraction power of your ‘6 of Wands’ energy.

“There’s a new, rebirthed light that has come to your eyes in recent weeks, and others are noticing how you’ve been taking care of yourself…”

Two of this week’s Elemental Oracles are ‘Creation and Water’ (29) and ‘Speaking Your Word’ (25) speaking your voice and speaking your word.

From the ‘Creation and Water’ Elemental Oracle, The supporting number (29) translates to (11) in numerology. (11) is an energetically powerful spiritual number — a number of divine guidance, informing you that you are on a path fully supported by your spiritual guides. The ‘Creation and Water’ Oracle is also a call from the spiritual guides to truly flow with your healing.

As we get closer to the New Moon in Cancer this week, you’ll want to make sure you are flowing with the transformative rebirth energy occurring in your life at this time.

For some, this week will provide an open opportunity to speak out and leverage the power of your voice. It may feel new and unfamiliar, but the spiritual guides show many have / will be charging forward with ‘The Chariot’ energy toward great rewards in your personal life. This ‘The Chariot’ energy shows you know exactly where you want to go in your personal and your family life, and now is the time to take actionable steps to get there.

Your love Oracle this week reads:

“This card reflects protection, freedom and success. It won’t be quick or easy but you will succeed and you are protected along the way. Free yourself of past doubt, fear and guilt. Let go of fixed expectations, be flexible, adaptable and open to new avenues and ideas. A higher power is trying to guide you!”

“This card reflects protection, freedom and success. It won’t be quick or easy but you will succeed and you are protected along the way…”

Butterflies, you are being guided in this moment — and great celebration is to come.

Take the necessary time to flow with this week’s rebirth energy and rest with the ‘Four of Swords’ energy shown within this week’s draw.

Reinvent yourself, give life to your dreams, and begin creating the new reality, you’ve always wanted.

Alright Butterflies, with that, I will see you in the full reading.


Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.

Sunny Afternoon Energy Check-in 🦋 ✨️ 🌈


New Moon in Cancer ✨️ Un-Breakable Soul Confidence ♋️