Save Your Strength and Release the Heavy 🪴 💐

Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot readings. Did the messages of this reading resonate with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at

Happy Mother’s Day week to all the Mother Butterflies!💐

Within this week’s full reading, you’ll see quite a bit of “Strength” card energy, which was confirmed twice from the spiritual guides, in addition to strong: “8 of Cups”, “Alchemy”, “3 of Wands” and beautiful hope energy.

This week, your Butterfly affirmation reads:

“Today, I choose hope.”

Strength is very clear within this week’s draw. Many of you will be exerting personal power and assertiveness, and also thinking about how you can lend compassion to others.

Many of you will be exerting personal power and assertiveness, and lending compassion to others.

There’s a connection within this reading between the ‘Elevation of Spirit’ position and also your ‘Unexpected Surprises’ position. You’ll see that you need to release some anxiety this week. The spiritual guides show there may be a bit of behind-the-scenes gossip about you occurring this week, as well as in-your-face conflict that may occur with the presence “5 of Wands” and “5 of Swords” draw energy.

Looking at your ‘ Work and Business’ endeavors position this week, be mindful of the people energies that you surround yourself with in your professional life.

Many may need to think twice about loyalties within your working relationships, more than you care to. There’s a past ‘King of Wands’ creative colleague or business partner that may resurface this week to either support or hinder you — depending on the strength of their loyalty.

Some may need to move on emotionally from some ideas, relationships, or concepts that previously defined you professionally. Release them and let go for the new.

As you listen to the energy of this week’s reading, you’ll see that there are many ‘globes’ within this reading —a confirmation from the guides showing that many of you are on the path toward national/international recognition.

There’s also a specific message within this week's draw surrounding the “World Wide Web”, calling many to review current content online about you — as a protective measure to ward off any ill intentions of others as you step into uncharted territory.

The celebratory “Six of Wands” energy that comes through this week, is loud and clear. But the guides are calling you to ‘prepare accordingly’ and make sure you have good paving and a solid grounding for you to walk on in the goals your spirit has laid out for your future journey.

Within your ‘Personal Life’ position this week — there is great alchemizing energy. You’ll see within the full reading, that there are quite a few clarifiers I needed to place, ensuring I was clear on the energy the guides wanted to translate in this reading.

Leverage the mothering alchemy this week to prepare solid grounding for your path ahead.

There’s a great opportunity this week for many within your personal finances to evaluate the options and choices you want to make, for both your family and yourself individually. For some of you, this week could potentially be the week you receive the awaited approval on that home/apartment offer you’ve been waiting for.

Singles may be considering how they’d like to set themselves up financially with a potential youthful future ‘Page of Pentacles’ energy. For those that have been working on finances for some time within shared soul space / coupled space. This week provides an opportunity for you to bring your financial dreams to reality.

I want to emphasize again the spirit guides double confirmation of the “Strength” card in this week’s draw.

There’s a great deal of growth and celebration that’s happening within this week’s reading and you want to ensure that you are aligned with your spirit's long-term highest good and intentions. That you are aligned with your highest hopes, and purpose this week.

Many may need to think twice about loyalties within your working relationships this week.

Your Love Oracle for this week reads:

“Within each of us, there is Yin and Yang, feminine and masculine, passive and active.

To have inner harmony strive to balance all aspects of who you are.

To align with your true nature, love, accept and embrace yourself, totally and completely.”

With that Butterflies, you will see that this week's reading is so beautiful! It's also a testing week and it's time to elevate. It's time to get to that next level and honor who you are, honor the work that you’ve been conducting within solitude and hermit energy — and begin to push that illuminated energy out to others.

Alright, Butterflies! I will see you in the full reading.


Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 🌚 ✨️


Rebuilding your Finances 💰 Renewed Passion ♥️ Rekindling 🌞🌻