Making a Choice is Better Than No Choice At All 🦉 ✨️

Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot readings. Did the messages of this reading resonate with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at

How are you Butterflies? Come on in!

This week ahead reading for June 12–18, 2022 — is for the “People Pleasers” (drops keyboard and walks away from the computer — laughing).

The energy from the spiritual guides shows that some, have lost trust in your inner intuition. This lack of courage is shown by the reversal of both “The High Priestess” and “The Fool” energies.

A clear personality type shown in this reading. One that tends to:

  • Give more ‘yeses’ than ‘nos’ to others

  • Give more than you receive

  • Take on the bulk of responsibility

  • Shy away from holding others accountable

Within the full reading “10 of Wands” energy is shown twice.

The energy from the spiritual guides shows that some, have not fully been trusting themselves.

This tendency to take on more than you can handle alone is displayed both within your ‘Work and Business Endeavors’ and ‘Elevation of Spirit’ realms. To break out of this ‘10 of Wands’ energy, the first step is to trust yourself enough to trust others. Take a moment this week to ask yourself:

  • What benefits do you gain in over-exerting yourself?

  • What losses occur when you over-exert yourself?

The spiritual guides show reversed ‘High Priestess’ and ‘Hanged Man’ energy within this draw — pairing these energies with the incoming Full Moon in Sagittarius, draws in energy of impatience this week.

Despite the good seeds you’re currently planting within your life’s material realm with the ‘Knight of Pentacles’ showing himself, as we move closer to the harvest energy of the Full Moon in Sagittarius — this air of impatience is a reminder from the spiritual guides to trust the process.

Your Unicorn Oracle this week reads:

“PATIENCE: Pause before you take action. Trust that divine timing is at work, be patient, and play whilst you wait.”

Pause before you take action. Trust that divine timing is at work, be patient, and play whilst you wait.

‘Seven of Cups’ energy appears within your ‘Work and Business’ endeavors realm, showing that many may experience some confusion this week due to the volume of options and choices on your work plate. This is a good problem to have.

The spiritual guides are showing that some may doubt themselves to a point where — you’d rather not make any choice(s) at all.

The ‘Two of Swords’ within this full reading, which is a stalemate energy shows these choices along with the ‘people pleasing tendencies’ are leaving some in a state of “Analysis Paralysis”. Again with this illusionary ‘stuck’ energy, instead of being able to make a single decision, many are finding safety in not making any decision(s) at all.

It’s time to step out Butterflies. It’s time to unlock your courage.

Your Wild Offering Oracle this week reads:

“COURAGE: Divine courage is not the absence of fear but a nudge that says keep going. Do it. Don’t worry, all will be well. You have to get quiet enough to hear it. Dear Divine May I feel your courage and your will.”

Divine courage is not the absence of fear but a nudge that says keep going.

This week, unleashing your inner courage to get out there, and let go of some of this impatience energy — of “what you think should happen” and “when it should happen”, shifting to fully trusting yourself and also asking for help instead of taking everything on yourself…

…after this release, you’ll start to step into a more balanced ‘Six of Pentacles’ energy.

There’s an equilibrium point that balances out this indecisiveness.

‘Six of Pentacles’ energy displays itself across both your ‘Work and Business Endeavors’ and your ‘Personal Life’ realms — as much as you are giving to others during this time, the spiritual guides are encouraging you to allow yourself to receive.

Many have been and are in process of setting your life with new foundations and stronger plans with the appearance of ‘Knight of Pentacles’ energy in your ‘Elevation of Spirit’ realm.

Your Butterfly affirmation this week reads:

“I am a unique child of the universe, perfectly me exactly as I am meant to be.”

Water is needed to plant these seeds but you also need time for the land to dry, for the Sun to come in and for that warmth to root the seeds in the soil, preparing you for your next life’s harvest.

If you’ve ever found yourself feeling like the odd man out, or the only way to fit in with the crowd is to please the crowd. You’ve been selling yourself short.

You have a particular purpose and call on your life, unique and specific to you — meaning you can’t go with the flow of the crowd all the time.

The visual water energies in this week’s reading appear as healing energies from the spiritual guides. Many of you are stepping out of the journeyed emotional waters and onto the dry land of the beach.

Just as you are planting seeds in your life’s projects with the ‘Knight of Pentacles’ energy — water is needed to plant these seeds, but you also need time for the land to dry, for the Sun to come in and for that warmth of that Sun to root the seeds into the soil.

With that Butterflies enjoy the full reading, and I will see you there.

Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.

Your “Investments” Are Worth Protecting 🪙 🎉


Full Moon in Sagittarius Strawberry Super Moon “Comeback Moon” 🌝