It’s Your Time To Shine! ✨️ 🎆

Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot readings. Did the messages of this reading resonate with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at

How are you Butterflies? I hope you’re doing well.

As you get into this week’s full reading, the spiritual guides provide an open opportunity to address the past, giving way to release any blockages that may be holding you back from your healing.

Many will be releasing mental blockages this week — releasing any resistance to not accepting responsibility, in addition to addictions some may be working to overcome.

The spiritual guides provide an open opportunity to address the past, giving way to release any blockages that may be holding you back from your healing.

Your wild offering Oracle this week reads:

TRUE OFFERING: “May I release the fears, illusions and addictions that keep me from true offering. May I relax into your plan and trust that the next step will always be shown. Use me Love. Use me for the highest. I am yours.”

As you start to step into your power, as shown by the ‘Amplified Power’ Oracle within this week’s reading — you’ll notice that you’ll have greater capacity to understand and accept that everything happens in its own timing.

Your Butterfly affirmation this week reads:

My patience is been rewarded, my turn will come.

Your Butterfly affirmation this week reads: “My patience is being rewarded. My turn will come.”

This week, for those that have felt as if…

  • You have not been recognized by particular family members recently.

  • You have not been recognized or seen within your relationship.

  • That you’ve been patiently waiting for your moment of happiness and peace.

  • You’ve been patiently waiting for that new role or community recognition to arrive.

…the spiritual guides show this week, the blessing is on its way, bringing great emotional fulfillment across many realms of your life.

There’s a call from the spiritual guides within your ‘Personal Life’ realm to accept the new.

There’s a new beginning in love and attraction happening for many this week, with the display of ‘Ace of Wands’ energy — supported by ‘Eight of Pentacles’ energy confirmed twice in your ‘Personal Life’ realm.

This energy shows that many have been putting in the personal work to bring your life’s dream into fruition — bringing greater attraction to yourself personally and your professional endeavors, as shown by the ‘Queen of Wands’ in your ‘Work and Business Endeavors’ realm.

As hard as it may be, keep a bit of hope and optimism to the potential revisitation of this soul contract, whether that be from a child, family member or romantic partner. At a minimum, take it as an opportunity to listen.

There’s an interesting Elemental Oracle ‘Equal and Equator’ which appeared in this week’s full reading.

This ‘Equal and Equator’ Oracle was spiritually received as a very hot and heaty energy — very passionate, but there’s a larger call from the spiritual guides to equalize things out within a past relationship.

Things may need to warm-up or get hotter before they can equalize out — take the energy as it resonates to your situation.

Recognize, that within nature the closer you get to the equator, the hotter things get — but after a while, you get used to this concentration of heat.

This ‘Equal and Equator’ Oracle was spiritually received as a very hot and heaty energy — very passionate, but there’s a larger call from the spiritual guides to equalize things out within a past relationship.

Within your unexpected surprises this week, the spiritual guides will be providing an opportunity for you to connect with a past relationship that was bound by a physical or spiritual relationship contract (i.e. birth certificate, marriage certificate).

‘The Star’ card energy brings in an element of optimism and possibility to this unexpected surprise — there’s something that still needs to be resolved and discussed. As hard as it may be, keep a bit of hope and optimism to the potential revisitation of this soul contract, whether that be from a child, family member or romantic partner. At a minimum, take it as an opportunity to listen.

This week’s Starlight Oracle reads:

(44) “Your energy is being amplified. You hold the power of the Ascended Masters.”

As you start to step further into your ‘True Offering” this week many of you will start to receive downloads — powering you into the present moment.

With that Butterflies, be mindful of your time this week + I will see you in the full reading.


Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.

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