Monique's Tarot 🦋

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Full Moon in Leo ♌️ ✨️ Things to Know 🌕

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Hello, Butterflies! I hope all is going well as we look ahead to the Full Moon in Leo taking place on February 5, 2023.

The Full Moon in Leo takes place on February 5, 2023.

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Before we get started, let’s burn a bit of Sage — welcoming in the messages from the spiritual guides, and clearing out the energy that no longer serves us.

As always Butterflies, thank you all so much for your follows, likes, subscribes, and donations across all of Monique’s Tarot platforms.

Thank you for entrusting me on your spiritual journey.

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Before we get into a message from the spiritual guides, let’s talk about the energy we can expect, from a Full Moon in Leo, taking place on February 5, 2023.

Full Moon in Leo February 5, 2023 Transits

  • 2:35aMoon Sextile Mars: During this time, you’ll notice a great deal of opportunity in reaching competitive goals, sex, and courage. Given the time of day, depending on where you are located in the world, you may experience a boost in downloads, of optimistic messages the spiritual guides wish to share with you, through your dreams.

  • 2:58aMoon Inconjunct Venus: During this time, expect a tinge of disharmony in love partnerships and possibly some personal attraction/self-love issues that you may have with yourself. If sleeping during this time, this will mainly affect your dream state — so utilize your intuition as you awake. Consider jotting down some of the ‘self-love’ messages your spiritual guides provided to you during your sleep state, by day.

  • 10:08aMoon Square Uranus: What obstacles or lack of action is standing in your way of breaking old habits? Have a good talk with yourself in the morning examining what has and has not worked for you — you may also find yourself feeling a little rebellious at this time (laughing).

  • 1:29pMoon Opposition Sun: This opposition energy may bring a temporary mental-emotional separation from those things you are most passionate about.

Before falling off the deep end, check your ego and make sure your review if you feel disconnected simply because you want to maintain power; versus using the good side of your ego — that desires to encourage and work with others collaboratively.

If you know a Leo, you know that they’re extremely prideful — in addition to being boastful and charismatic leaders.

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Welcome in Full Moon Leo energy

Full moons are a time of harvest — this moon is a season to reap the benefits of all of the hard work and dedication you have put in, since the previous New Moon.

Within Tarot, Leo energy is represented by the Strength card.

With this being a FULL moon in Leo, expect a great deal of optimism and fiery creativity in the days leading up to, and after the February 5 moon. If you know a Leo, you know that they’re extremely prideful — in addition to being boastful and charismatic leaders.

This full moon in Leo will also bring a boost of endurance to your life with its ruling planet, the Sun. This energy will set the stage for great power and foundations in your life — providing the necessary structure you need to push forward toward your life goals with confidence!

Leo as a Fire sign — is ruled by the Sun, providing a spiritual runway to:

  • Bring courage and boldness to your life realms

  • Push your endurance

  • Unleash your creativity.

  • Pride yourself in your leadership abilities

  • Boost the ego of both yourself and others

This energy will set the stage for great power and foundations in your life — providing the necessary structure you need to push forward toward your life goals with confidence!

With this being a FULL moon in Leo, expect a great deal of optimism and fiery creativity in the days leading up to, and after the February 5 moon.

The 5th House

Leo as a zodiac sign is ruled by the 5th house, providing an opening to bring in the energy of recreation, creative expression, and bold romance — along with playfulness and risky behavior (i.e. mind those risky thoughts gamblers!)

Monique’s Tarot Journals

As always Butterflies, thank you all so much for your follows, likes, and subscriptions across all of Monique’s Tarot platforms.

Full Moon in Leo Journal Prompts

What areas of my life could I be more courageous and bold in?

How can I improve and/or build my ego?

Now that we know a little bit more about the Full Moon in Leo energy, let’s get into a guided reading from the spiritual guides.

Monique’s Tarot 🦋

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