Give Thanks and Prepare for More 🌄 ✨️ 🌈

Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot readings. Did the messages of this reading resonate with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at

Hello Butterflies! I hope you’re all doing well! This week’s reading brings messages from the spiritual guides of self acceptance, strength, and ‘storm-cleansing’ power.

Prepare for a power-packed week, as the spiritual guides offer tidings of abundance and unexpected blessings over this next week.

This week’s reading brings messages from the spiritual guides of self acceptance, strength, and ‘storm-cleansing’ power.

Your Butterfly affirmation reads:

“It’s easy for me to attract all that I need into my life. I do this by relaxing and trusting that things are going to work out perfectly.”

Butterflies — as cliché as the familiar phrase may sound, trust the process of the cleansing energy coming through this week.

There’s always friction before sunlight, and lightning before growth.

Despite the inner conflict some may attempt to resist this week— welcoming this cleansing energy will provide greater freedom in your life than you could have previously imagined.

The ‘Ace of Pentacles’ energy — further supports a windfall of abundance many will experience in their realm of ‘Unexpected Surprises’. This ‘Ace of Pentacles’ energy may not be immediately apparent with the potential of communications conflicts within your ‘Work and Business Endeavors’ realm. This is definitely the week to stay on your Ps & Qs, as the saying goes.

Despite the inner conflict some may attempt to resist this week — welcoming this cleansing energy will provide greater freedom in your life than you could have previously imagined.

Maintain a Keen Eye for Imposter Personas

Its important this week to mind the authenticity of others — especially within the workplace. Consider all opinions before making critical decisions, in your efforts to ‘Get out of the Cold’ financially. This is further clarified with the appearance of ‘5 of Pentacles’ energy in your ‘Work and Business Endeavors’ realm.

This week provides an opportunity for you to really shift / shake things up and find true balance amongst your colleagues. A bit of vulnerability will go a long way — in addition to, taking into account the perspectives and reasoning of others.

Going deeper into the ‘Work and Business’ endeavors realm, there’s an emphasis from the spiritual guides not to celebrate too early, with the appearance of reversed6 of Pentacles’ energy

Some have literally been working to clarify familial issues with a Libra soul of the past — while others will be experiencing familial abundance (‘Ace of Pentacles’ energy) with a masculine ‘King of Cups’ spirit.

Disciplined planning will provide healing breakthroughs

Within your ‘Unexpected Surprises’ realm, the spiritual guides show ‘Three of Pentacles’ energy alongside the ‘Justice’ card reversed. Some have literally been working to clarify familial issues with a Libra soul of the past — while others will be experiencing familial abundance (‘Ace of Pentacles’ energy) with the support of a masculine ‘King of Cups’ spirit.

The spiritual guides show the only way to clear out any tensions you’re working to overcome, is to move through it.

With the appearance of supportive ‘Three of Wands’ energy, now is the time to set solid foundations for those BIG life plans you seek to gain forward momentum on. For those who have been struggling with work-life balance — the spiritual guides show there’s an opportunity to receive a much-needed path resetting resolution this week.

Your Unicorn Oracle reads:

STRENGTH: “This challenge will make you stronger, you will get through this to the other side. Look for the gifts in the situation.

This week as you find yourself in those moments of required strength, especially within your professional life, the long-term gains may not be immediately apparent — but the provided learnings serve as an intention spiritual cleansing to clear out anything that does not add to your solid foundation.

The rain may climax with thunder, high winds and downpour — but without fail, following the rainfall, nature reveals a clear shiny, renewed surface to walk on.

Picture the last rainfall you witnessed

During rainfall, multiple droplets of water have the power to clear out mud, dirt and debris.

The rain may climax with thunder, high winds and downpour — but without fail, following the rainfall, nature reveals a clear shiny, renewed surface to walk on.

Things smell better. There’s an aroma in the air — this week, that sweet aroma is self acceptance.

Your Wild Offering Oracle reads:

SELF ACCEPTANCE: “Nothing is more exhausting than endlessly working on yourself. When you offer your whole being fully to Love, self-acceptance arises spontaneously. May I rest in oneness dear Divine.”

Rest in your oneness

This week, the spiritual guides send a lightning bolt reminder that you have the ability to easily attract all you need into your life. As you find balance in rest, the spiritual guides show — at this point of acceptance, you will begin to harness to power of persistence and patience.

Give Thanks to the process + prepare for more.

With that Butterflies, I’ll see you in the full reading.


Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.

Strong Queen Energy, Sassy and Warranted🌈 🎉 🦋 ✨️


Beautiful Friday Check-in🦋 ✨️ 🌈