Monique's Tarot 🦋

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Full Moon in Sagittarius Strawberry Super Moon “Comeback Moon” 🌝

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Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot readings. Did the messages of this reading resonate with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at

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Hello Butterflies! Welcome to your reading summary for the Full moon in Sagittarius, taking place June 14, 2022.

As you dive into the full reading I’ll walk you through an overview of the energy for the full moon in Sagittarius, in addition to a beautiful tarot reading filled with messages from the spiritual guides.

The sign of Sagittarius itself brings in lucky and optimistic energy. In addition to Sagittarius’s enthusiastic energy, this moon brings in a reminder to be mindful of your time. As ambitious as you may feel leading up to and after this Full Moon, as an air sign, Sagittarius are known to spread themselves “just a bit” thin (laughing).

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Image of Jupiter by Planet Volumes

This full moon in Sagittarius is also known as the “Comeback Moon”.

No matter how many times a Sagittarius may be knocked down — they have an admirable ability to ‘comeback’ and prove everybody wrong.

Leading up to an after the full moon in Sagittarius, some may experience slight difficulty in your ability to commit. The adventure-seeking/exploration characteristics of Sagittarius will stir moments of wanderlust during this time.

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This moon also calls in energies to focus on the lower chakras of the body. Areas of the body to focus on during the full moon in Sagittarius:

  • Liver

  • Hip Joints

  • Lumbar Vertebrae

  • Thigh Bone

  • Tail Bome

  • Hip Muscles

Consider movement and exercises this week that bring in circular hip energy. Image by Jusdevoyage

In thinking about your liver, your hip joints, and hip muscles consider circular exercises like cycling or practicing small circular movements to warm up the Sacral Chakra and Base Root Chakra.

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This reading draws in a great deal of Earth energy — ‘Pentacles’ are seen in multiples across the board in this full moon reading. In my most recent week ahead reading, I discussed the energetic visuals I had recently received via images of ‘muddy’ Earth energy.

This combination of Pentacles energy, paired with the grounding visuals of the previous week ahead reading — the spiritual guides are truly signaling for us to ground our energy as we prepare for the Harvest of the Full Moon in Sagittarius.

Throughout this reading, ‘Six of Cups’ energy is confirmed three times, opening an opportunity for many to heal the angst of past relationships and family issues.

Within this draw, the spiritual guides also show some have taken, or plan to take, a more non-traditional route in build your family and love life romantically.

There’s a particular ‘Queen of Swords’ within this draw who previously caused great conflict for you in past. There is an energetic opening for this same Queen of Swords to return with the repeating ‘Six of Swords’ energies, bringing in the potential for relationship forgiveness leading up to this full moon in Sagittarius.

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The full moon in Sagittarius bring Attraction and Magnetism energy. Image by Jake Weirick

Your ‘Elemental Oracle’ for this full moon in Sagittarius:

‘Attraction and Magnetism’ — which is of no surprise as we move closer to the full moon in Sagittarius. The Sagittarius moon charges up the potential for growth and expansion, leading to much-needed personal clarification in identifying the true foundations of your life. Questions to ask yourself during this time:

What gives you confidence?

What fulfills you?

Again, with the ‘Six of Cups’ energy shown throughout this draw, there’s a great opportunity to healing past relationships within both your personal and family realms. This moon is also a reminder to center your life’s actions around what truly makes you happy.

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This full moon in Sagittarius brings a great opportunity to heal past relationships. Image by CDC

Your Love Oracle for the Full moon in Sagittarius reads:

“You’re currently too close to see things clearly. Detach a little and you’ll start to see things from a higher perspective. By emotionally detaching from this situation a simple solution also becomes clear.”

There’s a call from the spiritual guides within the full reading to ask for outside counsel. Connect with spirits that have metaphorically ‘moved through the mud’ of situations similar to yours. In the recent past, some may have experienced difficulty relating to others with the ‘Five Wands’ and ‘Five of Swords’ energy shown throughout this draw.

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The Comeback

Again, the Sagittarius full moon bring in an exonerating comeback energy for many — a playful wave to those who doubted the way that you wanted to live your life. Perhaps these same people didn’t understand why you made the choices you made in the past. But in the present energy — others acknowledging the hard work you’ve been putting in, can’t be ignored.

The spiritual guides have you covered don’t even worry about it.

This draw also pulls in ‘Three of Wands’ energy supporting ‘The Empress’ card. Another spiritual confirmation to forge forward with the plans you’ve been making for your life, on your terms . A spiritual reminder from the guides — not everybody can come with you into this next phase of your life.

Your Oracle of the Unicorns reads:

“CYCLES: Everything has its right time. Honor the cycles of your body. Tune into the moon’s magic.”

This is a time of harvest and the Sagittarius full moon definitely bringing in strong ‘Eight of Wands’ energy. Within the full reading, the energy will start off a bit frenetic, level out mid way through and strengthen in the end.

So with that that Butterflies! Enjoy before reading and I will see you there!

Monique’s Tarot 🦋

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