Hello, Butterflies! I hope all is going well as we look ahead to the Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21, 2024.

The Full Moon in Capricorn takes place on June 21, 2024

Before we get started, let’s burn a bit of Palo Santo — welcoming in the messages from the spiritual guides, clearing out the energy that no longer serves us.

As always Butterflies, thank you all so much for your follows, likes, and subscriptions across all of Monique’s Tarot platforms.

Thank you for entrusting me on your spiritual journey.

Before we get into a message from the spiritual guides, let’s talk about the energy we can expect, from a Full Moon in Capricorn

Full Moon in Capricorn June 21, 2024 Transits

  • Moon Square Saturn 12:08am EST — Take your time Butterflies, you might feel like you’re hitting a few speed bumps, but it’s all about learning patience and staying grounded.

  • Moon Inconjunct Uranus 10:44am EST — Get a good night’s rest and prepare yourself for a few cosmic curveballs! Unexpected emotions and a wild urge for changes across the collective could shake things up.

  • Mercury Sextile Mars 12:23pm EST — Time to shine collect communication will be on fire, so tackle those to-dos, set-up that closing week presentation and speak with strength.

  • Moon Square Neptune 6:58pm EST — The dream world may collide with reality at this time, making things a bit foggy. Watch out for accidental misunderstandings from others.

  • Moon Opposition Sun 9:08pm EST — Emotions peak, as the collective prepares its moon ceremonies, with a call across the collective spiritually to balance your personal needs with external vibes to soak in the full abundance of moon energy.

Capricorn as a zodiac sign is ruled by the 10th house, driving forward your personal ambitions, motivations, career and fueling your life’s notoriety.

Within Tarot, Capricorn is represented by ‘The Devil’ card energy, drawing in the energy of business acumen, controlling tendencies, motivations, inner values and ambitions.

Characteristics of Capricorn Energy

Capricorn is an Earth sign — represented by Pentacles energy in Tarot which brings:

  • Earth Sign: Represented by Pentacles in Tarot, Capricorn energy brings a greater focus to resources, finances, health, and material matters.

  • Business Acumen: Known for good business sense and practical approach to achieving goals.

  • Inner Values: Capricorns trust their inner values and use them as a guide for their ambitions.

  • High Ambition: Driven by a strong sense of purpose and a desire to achieve.

  • Career-Oriented: Prioritizes career and life planning, often leading to significant accomplishments.

Capricorns are known for their keen focus and pride in career and life planning. With this added clarity of direction, resources and life improvement many will expect during this time — break out those planners and put pen to paper.

The Rule of Saturn

With Capricorn being ruled by the planet Saturn, this Full Moon in Capricorn brings forth the energy of responsibility, loyalty, and all things ruled by law.

You owe it to yourself to be honest about your career, financial, and health capabilities at this time, utilizing this Full Moon as a much-needed “reality check” to prioritize the areas of needed improvement across all life realms. Saturn’s influence encourages you to embrace your responsibilities and work diligently towards your goals.

With this added clarity of direction, resources, and life improvement many will expect during this time — break out those planners and put pen to paper.

Capricorn as a zodiac sign is ruled by the 10th house, driving forward your personal ambitions, motivations, career and fueling your life’s notoriety.

Within Tarot, Capricorn is represented by ‘The Devil’ card energy, drawing in the energy of business acumen, controlling tendencies, motivations, inner values and ambitions.

Within Tarot, Capricorn is represented by ‘The Devil’ card energy, drawing in the energy of business acumen, controlling tendencies, motivations, inner values and ambitions.

The 10th House

Capricorn as a zodiac sign is ruled by the 10th house, driving forward your ambitions, motivations, and career and fueling your life’s notoriety.

This house governs your public life, career path, and the legacy you wish to leave behind. During this Full Moon, you might experience breakthroughs in clarity surrounding your alignment with your life’s purpose, both for your financial and mental health.

This is a time to focus on your long-term goals and ensure that your actions are in alignment with your highest aspirations.

Monique’s Tarot Journals

Reflect and Release: This is your cosmic moment to pause and reflect on how far you’ve come and what’s been holding you back.

Reflect and Release: This is your cosmic moment to pause and reflect on how far you’ve come and what’s been holding you back.

Harnessing the Full Moon in Capricorn Energy

Balance Work and Rest: Capricorn’s vibe brings a lot of hustle, but don’t forget to balance that drive with some serious self-care.

  • While you’re busy conquering the world, make sure you’re also nurturing your body and soul.

  • Set healthy boundaries, carve out time for relaxation, and ensure your wellness rituals are on point. You can’t pour from an empty cup — make sure you’re replenishing your energy to keep shining brightly.

Set Clear Intentions: Under a Capricorn Full Moon, it’s time to get serious about your dreams.

  • Grab your favorite journal and outline your goals for both your career and personal life.

  • Think big but stay grounded — this lunar energy is ideal for mapping out long-term plans and practical steps. Write it down, make it real, and watch your ambitions soar.

Reflect and Release: This is your cosmic moment to pause and reflect on how far you’ve come and what’s been holding you back.

Dive deep into your soul work and identify old patterns, fears, or habits that are no longer serving your highest good.

Take this full moon as an opportunity to cleanse your emotional palette to make space for new, vibrant energy.

Full Moon in Capricorn Journal Prompts

Do you feel aligned professionally with your talents and gifts?

Do you have a healthy work-life balance with your personal and family life?

What life realms (i.e. Elevation of Spirit, Healing, Work, Personal, Unexpected Surprises) could be improved with greater focus?

Now that we know a little bit more about the Full Moon in Capricorn energy, let’s get into a guided reading from the spiritual guides.

Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.


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