Fresh Start with the New Moon in Virgo

Hello, Butterflies! I hope all is going well as we look ahead to the New Moon in Virgo taking place on September 2, 2024.

In the easy-going mutable energy of the Virgo New Moon, we find ourselves at the cusp of personal alchemy. This incoming moon serves as a potent catalyst for meticulous self-reflection, growth, and the grounding power of routines.

This week’s connection with the spiritual guides brings messages for The Collective to challenge ourselves and find grounding with the guidance of Virgo’s lunar wisdom.

Before we get started, let’s burn a bit of Palo Santo — welcoming in the messages from the spiritual guides, and clearing out the energy that no longer serves us.

As always Butterflies, thank you all so much for your follows, likes, and subscriptions across all of Monique’s Tarot platforms.

Thank you for entrusting me on your spiritual journey.

Virgo’s Groove Energy

Virgo has a natural independence to its nature — acting within one’s own self-interest, in addition to being detail-oriented, and unassumingly calculated, with a tinge of perfectionism.

Within Tarot, Virgo energy is represented by the Hermit card.

Virgo as an Earth sign — is ruled by the planet Mercury, providing a spiritual runway for:

  • Elevated levels of constructive communication

  • A need to carefully observe verbal and non-verbal cues

  • Heightened attention to detail

  • Practical intelligence, with deep thought before action

  • An urge to help and support others through generosity

Taking Care of Your Body During this Time

  • Consume foods that are easy on your digestive system

  • Eye masks anyone? Take special care of your eyes during this time. Try a cooling mask or calming oil before bed.

  • Ear massage — give your ears a little extra love with a hand-ear massage or calming music to connect to your inner Hermit Virgo energy.

This is an optimum time to review routines and tasks that feel a bit dull in your life that — you’d like to bring more energy to.

As we turn the lens inward with Virgo energy, this week the spiritual guides bring messages of reflecting on the intricate dance of past relationships, the deep yearning for balance, and the quest for independence.

The 6th House

Virgo as a zodiac sign is ruled by the 6th house, providing an opening to go more inward through time spent alone. This added strength and vitality will bring greater courage to your outlook on life, in addition to your willingness to be of service to others.

This is an optimum time to review those routines and tasks that feel dull in your life. The 6th house also brings in the energetic focus of wellness — i.e. get to those wellness resolutions you’ve been putting off.

Monique’s Tarot Journals

Harnessing Virgo Energy

Virgo is represented by the Hermit. Aren’t they cute?

  1. Cultivating Mindful Awareness

Virgo is associated with meticulous attention to detail and analysis. During this season, we are encouraged to bring mindfulness to every facet of our lives. By practicing mindfulness, we can immerse ourselves fully in the present moment, attuning our senses to the beauty and subtleties that surround us. As we cultivate this awareness, we begin to uncover the divine within the ordinary, embracing the sacredness of every action, no matter how small.

2. Embracing Self-Care as Sacred Ritual

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect. This influence calls us to tend to our bodies, minds, and spirits with the same dedication we would apply to any meaningful endeavor. Self-care becomes a sacred ritual, where we cleanse not only our physical bodies but also our emotional and spiritual realms. Through practices such as meditation, yoga, journaling, and nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods, we create a harmonious vessel for our souls to thrive.

3. Honoring the Sacred Within Service

Virgo’s altruistic nature guides us towards acts of service and compassion. By helping others, we tap into the essence of our divinity. Service is a profound way to connect with the interconnectedness of all life and to acknowledge that our actions ripple through the fabric of existence. Engaging in acts of kindness, volunteering, or simply lending a listening ear can elevate our consciousness and remind us of the sacred bond that unites all beings.

4. Balancing Perfectionism with Self-Acceptance

Virgo’s pursuit of perfection can sometimes lead to self-criticism and unrealistic standards. During this season, it is crucial to balance the desire for improvement with self-acceptance. Recognize that growth is a continuous journey, and imperfections are part of the beautiful mosaic that makes you unique. Embrace the wisdom that true perfection lies in embracing your authentic self, flaws, and all.

5. Harmonizing the Material and Spiritual Realms

Virgo is an earth sign, emphasizing the importance of grounding our spiritual insights into the physical world. This season invites us to harmonize the material and spiritual realms, recognizing that our spiritual journey is not separate from our daily lives. Whether through mindful work, creative expression, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature, we can bridge the gap between the ethereal and the tangible.

New Moon in Virgo Journal Prompts

Reflect on the aspects of your life where you seek perfection and control. How do these tendencies serve you, and how might they hinder your growth and relationships?

Explore the ways in which you nurture and care for yourself on a daily basis. Are there areas where you could be more attentive to your physical, emotional, or mental well-being?

Consider the concept of service and how you contribute to the world around you. Reflect on whether your acts of service align with your values and bring you a sense of fulfillment.

Now that we know a little bit more about the expected energy from the New Moon, let’s get into a guided message from the spiritual guides.

Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.

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