Calling in all Miracles! 🦄 Prosperity on the Way ✨️

Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot readings. Did the messages of this reading resonate with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at

Hello Butterflies! How are all of you? I hope you’re doing well, receiving blessings, and truly pulling in “all that good” energy and releasing what no longer serves you.

Let’s get to it — within this reading, the spiritual guides show that you are releasing the heavy as you step into abundance.

Many are coming are coming out of unbalanced time — a “hold-you-back” type energy, where some may have felt as if they were stuck and unable to move forward from their current emotional / physical / or spiritual state.

The spiritual guides show that you are releasing the heavy as you step into abundance.

The cards display an incoming spiritual clearing bringing about long-awaited personal confidence for you at this moment.

“The Wheel of Fortune” card within this draw — shows that in this present moment, there is an open portal for a fresh new energetic start. Some may have already begun to feel to effects of this shift during eclipse season:

Full Flower Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio | May 16, 2022

Solar Eclipse in Taurus “Black Moon” Tarotscope | April 30, 2022

During the Spring 2022 eclipse season, you may have experienced delays surrounding actions and outcomes you desired within your life. The energetic cleansing energy displayed within this reading provides an opening for forward momentum in your life endeavors.

Your “Wild Offering Oracle” this week reads:

TRAVEL: Let every aspect of this trip unfold in harmony. May Divine order arrange and handle every detail. I’ll be guided easily and follow the leads as they are shown.

For some, travel could involve physically traveling, and for others — mentally traveling to a higher vibration.

Let every aspect of this trip unfold in harmony. May Divine order arrange and handle every detail.

Within the full reading, the spiritual guides are encouraging you to release any anxiety and stress you’ve been holding on to from past disappointments in your life.

Yes, acknowledge the trials that have happened in your life, but the spiritual guides are kindly nudging you not to hold on the trials of the past— this is your key to heart opening and next level of abundance the spiritual guides are calling you to.

“Nine of Pentacles” energy is also displayed within this readings draw, allowing you to step into abundance with ease and begin to tuly enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Your Unicorn Oracle for this reading reads:

“Have faith that your miracle is on its way. Your prayers have been answered. Surrender the ‘how’.

Sometimes in life we find ourselves in a position of wanting to know:

  • Exactly when things will happen…

  • How they will happen…

  • What will happen…

…so that we can get out of the difficult situation (laughing).

But if we just jumped from the issue to the solution, we would miss all of the learnings from the journey in between.

If we just jumped from the issue to the solution, we would miss all of the learnings from the journey.

The journey is needed to reach to level of prosperity that comes with the miracles that await you. There is some restructuring that needs to happen. And with that, you need to also trust your higher intuition.

Take some time after this reading to meditate on your soul’s truest desires. Consider where you’d like to go — and acknowledge how far you have come with recent shifts in your life.

Butterflies, trust yourself — this is a key takeaway the guides are asking you to embrace from this reading.

Trust yourself and know that you are on the right path —this is a diving moment for doors to open for you.


Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.

After you ask for help, blessings flow in! 💐 🎉


Finally, Some Time to Recover ✨️ Tarot Reading🌻