Breathe in New Life with Discipline 🍊

Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot readings. Did the messages of this reading resonate with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at

Hello Butterflies! Come on in, come on innnnnnn!

Within this week’s full tarot reading from the spiritual guides, there’s a call for independence and greater discipline as we move closer to the Full Moon in Capricorn. Prepare to experience some energetic pressure with this call for ‘disciplined transformation’ the spiritual guides are calling many to embrace at this time.

This week’s Butterfly affirmation reads:

“I let go of the past. I trust in the future and accept the present moment.”

Many will be listening to the desires of their hearts as a method to breath new life into your situation.

New love in multiple energies

While stronger foundations are being laid with the Full Moon in Capricorn, this week opens way for some to welcome a rush of love into their lives, with the appearance of the ‘Knight of Wands’ card energy.

For a select few, the ‘Knight of Wands’ in your ‘Unexpected Surprises’ realm celebrates the birth of new life. For those of you that are expecting (pregnant), this could be your week to usher a new life into the new world — either by birth or conception. Congratulations in advance to those that are and will be expecting!

This rush of love energy drawn in from the ‘Knight of Wands’ could bring a collective surge in marriage proposals or a visitations and communications from loved ones that you had or have a present life contract with. These contracts may exist in the form of:

  • Marriage Contracts

  • Birth Certification with Children

  • Adoption Paperwork

  • Parents

  • Siblings

  • Blood Family Members

Renewal energy

The spiritual guides share message of great renewal energy this week. Many will be listening to the desires of their hearts to breath new life into their situation. There’s also a call from the guides to make sure you are giving yourself adequate space and time to build and establish your independence.

Your Wild Offering Oracle this week reads:

INDEPENDENCE: The more you learn to feed yourself on the inside and care for the inner child, the more freestanding you become. Help me feed and love this inner child, dear Lord.”

Many will be listening to the desires of their hearts to breath new life into their situation.

Strengthening you discipline

Advice of ‘tried and true’ ways to strengthen your discipline, may come from an experienced woman holding ‘Queen of Pentacles’ energy. A spirit that holds great experience and knowledge around establishing solid foundations for finances and structure. To fully alchemize this ‘Seven of Pentacles’ energy — some time apart from the crowd will be required.

Sun healing energy

Within your healing realm ‘The Sun’ card brings in new hope and success for you to overcome any battles you have been working to heal from. ‘The Sun’ card energy paired with the elemental oracle of ‘Pressure’ — may bring about remnants of external conflict with the appearance of ‘5 of Wands’ energy for those around you that have not done their share of personal work.

Don’t worry about this background chatter — continue to do the healing self-work you have been practicing + take time for yourself.

Things to consider as you nurture your inner child this week

How can you take better care of your inner child? This week as you think about your spiritual inner child:

  • Who needs support

  • Who needs to feel and know they are protected

  • Who needs their basic mental, health and financial stability secured

Take action toward establishing security in your life, to reap the benefits of this necessary moment of discipline from the spiritual guides.

Within this week’s full reading from the spiritual guides, you’ll see this brings a further call for independence for discipline as we move closer to the Full Moon in Capricorn.

Your Unicorn Oracle this week reads:

PAST LIVES: Release your past life karma. You are an old soul with deep wisdom. Healing your past lives will raise your vibration.”

The spiritual guides will provide an opportunity this week, for you to release those self-critical thoughts.

Release the pain you’ve internalized through the practice of discipline-in-action. Let go of the past and trust in the future, so you can start the healing work of living in the present moment.

Breathe life, back into your life Butterflies + I will see you in the full reading.


Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.

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