Wipe those tears 🌞😘 New beginnings are on the way! 🌻

Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot reading. Did the messages of this reading resonating with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at Monique’s Tarot support page.

Thanks for joining the space today for your week ahead, April 10–16, 2022 reading! Within this reading, there are quite a few double confirmation energies within the cards.

The spiritual guides are clearly showing through the cards that a cycle is coming to an end. The “Wheel of Fortune” card showcases itself prominently within this reading twice, along with the “Death” card. When you have the combination of both the “Wheel of Fortune” and the “Death” card it is quite certain that things need to end.

The positive side of endings? There’s always a new beginning.

The positive side of endings? There’s always a new beginning:

  • The end of a tough financial cycle

  • The end of not having the best luck in love

  • The end of family tensions

Following endings within tarot are the Aces which are all about new opportunities and fresh starts. Many of you have been waiting for the ‘reset’ energy of Aces, so that you can move away from the tough emotional space that many have been in for quite some time.

You’ve built up internal strength during this transitionary time. No message will throw you off your path.

With these displayed endings in this week ahead tarot reading, affirmation Witches Tarot oracle cards display “Tears of Joy and Sadness”. You have the strength, and you’ve built up the internal strength during this transitionary time to be prepared for the unexpected news that brings about an ending of certainty in your life this week.

The spiritual guides also show in this week ahead reading, that new love is on its way toward you. For some of you, you will be allowed to possibly rekindle a past love.

For some of you, you will be allowed to rekindle, a past love.

There’s also a gentle nudge and reminder from the guides to think about your stability. There’s “5 of Pentacles” energy that currently surrounding your area of healing during this time, along with the “Page of Wands” which suggest the potential of a love not and offer that may arise.

“Think about how / if your needs were not being met by this past love, as you have the opportunity to accept new love —with the arrival of new beginnings in your life.”

There’s a gentle reminder from the guides in your journey ahead to think about your stability.

Alright Butterflies! This will be a very beautiful reading, we’ll go through all of the areas of your life in this week ahead tarot for April 10–16, 2022:

  • Elevation of Spirit

  • Methods of Healing

  • Work and Business Endeavors

  • Connecting with others in your Personal Life

  • Unexpected Surprises

Enjoy this reading and I’ll see you there + let me know in the comments below. How has your week been going? How was your weekend prior to this week?

Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Did the messages of this reading resonating with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at Monique’s Tarot support page.

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.


Amen. 🌻 Its a Miracle You’ve Gotten Through This ✨️


Time to surround yourself with other like minded souls ✨️🌻