The Awakening Journey: A Libra Season Exploration ⚖️

Hello, Butterflies! 🦋 Welcome to your Monique’s Tarot readings. Did the messages of this reading resonate with you? Leave a tip! or support / donate at

Hello Butterflies! I hope all is well on your end as we prepare to welcome in the balancing energy of Libra Season (September 23-October 22), and the Fall Equinox taking place September 23!

Libra Season takes place between September 23-October 22

Before we get started, let’s burn a bit of Palo Santo — welcoming in the messages from the spiritual guides, clearing out the energy, that no longer serves us.

As always Butterflies, thank you all so much for your follows, likes, and subscriptions across all of Monique’s Tarot platforms.

Thank you for entrusting me on your spiritual journey.

Fall Equinox September 23, 2023 Aspects & Planetary Movements

  • 2:24 PM — Moon Trine Mercury: The collective can expect balanced communications and relations with others now. Entering into Libra season is an ideal time to find level ground with negotiations of the heart, partnerships, and friendships.

  • 6:12 PM — Moon Trine Jupiter: A wave of optimism will span across the cosmos as many prepare for Fall Equinox ceremonies. Open your spirit to the abundant, optimistic, and growth potential energy of Jupiter — additionally hold sympathy for both yourself and others in discussions you may have at this time.

  • 11:17 PM — Moon Square Mars: As the night comes to a close, beware of tense emotions felt within yourself and others. If awake conducting ceremony, use this competitive energy as an opportunity to clear residual Summer energies, welcoming in fresh energy with the Fall Equinox.

This Libra energy will draw in a natural attraction to people who are intelligent, charming, and sophisticated across the collective — as Libra energy elevates relationships that are based on mutual respect and cooperation.

Libra Season

As we journey into the harmonious Libra season, it is time to embrace our divine lineage, harness our inner power, and embark on a transformative journey of balance and awakening. In this week’s guided reading, we delve deep into the spiritual essence of Libra season and explore how it propels us to seek balance in all aspects of our lives.

Within Tarot, Libra is represented by The Justice card.

An energy of balancing the scales — known for its ability to find peace, harmony, and balance to your life, amongst the chaos. As a air sign, This Libra season naturally brings a highly intellectual, logical and communicative energy across all of your life realms.

Libra — is ruled by the planet Venus, providing a spiritual runway for:

  • Diplomacy

  • Channeling good feelings

  • Maintaining balance and harmony in life

  • Harmony within relationships and business partnerships

Libra season is marked by balance, courage, and trusting our inner voices. It’s a period that encourages us to connect with our inner selves and the universe. We begin our time together by exploring our connections to the Goddess Yemaya’s (Awakening) vast oceans of wisdom, summoning the energy of the Queen of Pentacles and harmonious energies of the season.

Our journey into the Libra season is a journey of awakening and understanding who we truly are. The Cosmic Light Council provides guidance, stability, and clarity. This balance and understanding remind us of the importance of standing our ground and asserting our independence. It is during this season that we embrace the challenges that come our way and celebrate our unique strengths.

The second half of the reading involves turning to our spiritual guides and ancestors for wisdom and guidance. We explore the healing energy of cats, draw wisdom from the Akashic Tarot, and rediscover the transformative power of love and forgiveness. The Unicorn Oracle guides us to trust our intuition and have faith in our ability to soar.

This journey is not just about exploring the energy of the Libra season but about discovering our innate power and balance. It’s about understanding our divine lineage and learning to trust our intuition. It’s about celebrating our strengths, embracing challenges, and finding balance in our lives.

As we navigate the Libra season, we also explore the potential of legal matters associated with business and work endeavors. We consider our collective responsibility to examine the structure of systems and understand the need for personal independence and the pride that can come with it.

Libra Season Body Care

Take special care of your Sacral and Root chakras during this time.

Organs of focus:

  • Kidneys

  • Urinary tract

  • Bladder

  • Veins

  • Pancreas

Some may already have begun to notice these energetic changes of Libra energy — as you feel the mental pull to reduce load in your life, allowing more space and time for the people and experience you desire more of.

The 7th House

Libra as a zodiac sign is ruled by the 7th house, providing an opening for harmony in partnerships, marriage, and business matters. This added equilibrium will bring greater balance to the priorities and routines in your daily life.

This Libra energy will draw in a natural attraction to people who are intelligent, charming, and sophisticated across the collective — as Libra energy elevates relationships that are based on mutual respect and cooperation.

Be mindful of an indecisive mind as Libra energy often struggles with making decisions with relationships in the efforts of seeking to please everyone, and avoid conflict.

Libra Season Journal Prompts

Ask yourself:

What areas of my life need greater balance?

How can I create and contribute to more meaningful relationships in my life?

Monique’s Tarot Journals

Throughout this Libra season, we are reminded of the power of awakening, and understanding who we truly are. It is a season of self-starting energy, understanding injustice, and connecting with our intuition and purity. The spiritual guides are asking us to face issues courageously, trust ourselves, and acknowledge the good we bring to the world.

Let’s embrace the balance, beauty, and growth this Libra season has to offer.

Monique’s Tarot 🦋

Monique's Tarot

Monique is a mystic, tarot energy reader and vivid lucid dreamer who has embraced her spiritual expansion & metaphysical gifts to help others.

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